DeLonghi Life Hacks
Short, clear, smart, to the point - the life hacks show really good tips in a very entertaining way without losing the visual appeal.
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Social media - mass instead of class?
Shaky cell phone videos are widespread on social media. They are real, simply filmed from life. And anyone can do it, because if you simply present yourself as you are, that's a good thing. When film productions try to imitate this or even try to adopt a youth language, it usually goes wrong. When we produce films or entire series for social media, we keep it short. We create small ideas that attract attention, give tips with life hacks or create posts that are literally out of the ordinary. But even with these "small" productions, the quality that the corporate identity of a large company rightly demands is important to us.
Created by Intervideo Filmproduktion GmbH for De'Longhi Deutschland GmbH (c) year 2023, all rights reserved.
We are looking forward to your message
Are you planning a project? Do you need a video strategy for your social media presence? Are you thinking about a virtual showroom, but don't yet have a real idea of the effort and costs involved? Would you like a concrete offer or advice first? Get in touch with us - preferably directly by phone on +49 6131 2508327 or by e-mail: